I’m so excited

Julia for PM! A woman as our leader! And one I respect and admire. It’s all too much. I’m so excited. End of post. Have to go and be excited some more.

Horoscope for 8 April 2009

If at all possible, stay in bed today.  It is guaranteed to be warm, cosy and in close proximity to snacks.  If you must get up, though, you will need to be prepared.  A packed lunch and a treat are good things to start with, as well as a raincoat, a compass, a...

Horoscope for 6 April 2009

I have decided that it is better to write the daily horoscope for the next day, seeing I don’t get around to posting until night time.  So this is the daily horoscope for Monday 6 April 2009. Watch your back.  There are tiny, infinitesimally small beings beyond...

Back in the middle with you

Hello! I have been as silent as the gallows for some time now.  That is not only because I have been, as The Editor put it, “writing for reals.”  It’s because I have been in a pooh-fight with my previous hosting company, moving house, working too...