by Jackie Bailey | Jun 10, 2009 | Self-publishing Mr Middleton's Teleporter
Last week, I introduced you to Mr Middleton. I have provided an excerpt for you below, from my interview journals with Mr Middleton, from when I first came across him. It was on a meandering walk I took, through Paddington, not long after I had moved to Sydney. Not...
by Jackie Bailey | Jun 2, 2009 | Self-publishing Mr Middleton's Teleporter
May I introduce to you Mr Middleton. Mr Middleton. Say hello. MM: Oh, uhmm. Yes, but the impersonality co-efficient. If it was to the power of z, then proportionally it might make no difference to the material transfer. Where’s that glass? ...
by Jackie Bailey | May 27, 2009 | Self-publishing Mr Middleton's Teleporter
Once upon a time there was a city called Sydney. I met Hoang back at Berkelouw’s two weeks later, to see the character drawings and the first of the scenes. We had agreed to do this to check that we were on the right track. Hoang brought his wife, Cat, with...
by Jackie Bailey | May 19, 2009 | Self-publishing Mr Middleton's Teleporter
In which I am asked the question, what does a teleporter actually look like? It was 10.06 pm when the phone rang, about three days since the events of my last self-publishing post. “Jackie?” “Yep, Hoang, how’s it going?”...
by Jackie Bailey | May 12, 2009 | Self-publishing Mr Middleton's Teleporter
In which I drink an LSD which changes my life forever. In Part 8, I had just managed to locate the brother of the artist, Hoang Nguyen, who had done the picture I had fallen in love with. I gave the man my manuscript and all I had to do was wait, and pray, and try...