Hey there punters. I have done some hard thinking about what I should be doing on this blog, thanks to some emails and comments from you guys, and I think I need to modify what I’m doing. Frankly, trying to write a horoscope every day is killing my blogging mojo…
SO I have decided to trial this:
Mondays: Horoscope for the week ahead
Wednesdays: Self-publishing update
Fridays: Random nonsense fascinating insights
What do you guys reckon? I was thinking also, about maybe doing an occasional feature, maybe once a month, on a different “creative type” because so many people I know have a secret creative life (check out this for a starter…I work with this girl, she is up on level 5 doing important comms stuff, and I am on level 1 doing lowly research work…anyway, I just found out about her secret foodie passion!).
And also, I was thinking about an “I heart nerds” column, because I do, and they do the coollest stuff.
AND I was thinking pretty soon, it might be time to upload the first chapter of Mr Middleton...
Your thoughts please!