by Jackie Bailey | Aug 4, 2012 | Random insights, women who write
I keep waking up happy. It’s spooky. It’s as if someone has been doing a nightly operation on me, someone like Elijah Wood in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Instead of messing with my memories, my night gnome takes my DNA and examines the anxiety...
by Jackie Bailey | Aug 1, 2012 | women who write
It comes back to this, doesn’t it? It occurs to me that I am being paid to write what I want to, for the first time in my life. I have a PhD scholarship. They even gave me a bit extra, thanks to my university medal, garnered all those years ago. I still remember...
by Jackie Bailey | Mar 25, 2012 | women who write
When I get anxious, I get jealous. It is an unpleasant trait, and one not immediately obviously related to my heightened state of worry, which makes it harder to rationalise away. I look at pictures of other people’s living rooms and think they are much nicer...
by Jackie Bailey | Apr 8, 2010 | Random insights, women who write
I have been a little bit absent from the blogosphere, and that is because I have been rather busy, gnawing my leg off in anxiety, since I left my job. I like leaving jobs. I do it regularly. But I had been I this job for three years, and they were three good years....
by Jackie Bailey | Feb 22, 2010 | Random insights, women who write
I just read this article on the SMH. It’s not often that I get excited about an article on SMH (except maybe to cuss out their tabloidal focus, or their lack of research except for surfing the blogs and the wires). But this article about the...
by Jackie Bailey | Feb 9, 2010 | women who write
I’ve been reading Edith Wharton, and it’s rather depressing. Everything is rather something (or’uther). Not to be too flippant – I am sure the characters in Glimpses of the Moon really felt every bit as miserable and desperate as they...